One Good Thing

Week 4: One Good Thing

So what does One Good Thing have to do with voiceover, anyway?


This project is all about changing my mindset. My default seems to run more towards the negative, but if I’m going to have a successful business that needs to change! And how do you change? Habit. Repetition. Training.

So I’m training myself to come up with one good thing every day. And right now I’m only posting about it weekly, but hopefully, this will eventually become something that I do daily.

Day 22 (Dec 20): Today I watched A Christmas Dance Reunion with Corbin Bleu and Monique Coleman. Yes, it really was good enough to make this list! It gave me so many warm fuzzies and left me smiling and so happy!

Day 23 (Dec 21): Our heat went out today. One might think, “Mandi, that’s not a good thing” – but hear me out. What’s good about it is that we are fortunate enough that we were able to call someone to come fix it. And the weather is relatively mild so it’s okay that we’ve got no heat right now. We are truly fortunate.

Day 24 (Dec 22): Sara Ramirez on the SATC reboot. Really, that’s what made my day today. They are AMAZING.

Day 25 (Dec 23): Today was COOKIE DAY! I made Christmas cookies and they were DELICIOUS.

Day 26 (Dec 24): IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE! And I got to go spend the day with my family at my Grandma’s. This was the first day in two years I’d been able to do this. It was so wonderful!

Day 27 (Dec 25): It’s Christmas Day! Everything about this day was wonderful! Good food, family, lots of love.

Day 28 (Dec 26): Today may be Sunday, but I still don’t have to go back to my day job tomorrow. That’s totally a win!